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June 20 2022

A complete vegan breakfast with X-Oats

The benefits of a vegan breakfast

Of course, it is not just that we focus entirely on it being a vegan breakfast. We simply believe that humans, animals and the rest of nature benefit the most from it. This makes it the perfect solution for the most important meal of the day.

The benefits of a vegan breakfast are for example:

  • Healthier: First of all, a vegan breakfast is a bit healthier than alternatives. This is because a vegan breakfast, by definition, only consists of plant-based food. Only natural ingredients are present in such a breakfast. The oatmeal porridge, for example, is packed with natural protein and your body will benefit greatly from this. For example, with a vegan lifestyle you grow old more healthily, the risk of cardiovascular disease is a lot lower and you maintain a healthy weight more easily, which in turn helps to present things such as diabetes and high blood pressure.
  • Save animal suffering: In addition to your own health, there are other reasons to choose a vegan meal. Saving animal suffering is one of them. An area in which, more is becoming known every year. Animals often suffer greatly because of our desire to consume animal products. With a vegan breakfast like X-OATS you no longer contribute to this. So in a way you contribute to reducing animal suffering. Which we can only applaud.
  • Less CO2 emissions: In addition, animal products cause a particularly high level of CO2 emissions. Did you know, for example, that animal food produces up to 52 times more CO2 emissions than plant-based food? At X-OATS, we think this is an extremely serious matter. We are happy to do everything we can to reduce global CO2 emissions. Purely to combat climate change and ensure a healthy, liveable world for everyone. With the overnight oats you can opt for an ultra-healthy, easy and ecologically responsible breakfast.
  • Provides a better feeling: Finally, we would like to emphasize one big advantage of a vegan breakfast; the good feeling it produces. This is due to a combination of factors. On the one hand, it is particularly good for your health to choose X-OATS. Your days are much more productive, energetic and enjoyable with the right breakfast. On the other hand, you are also aware of your contribution to a better world.

Now to order X-Oats

To describe X-Oats purely as a porridge, doesn’t really do it justice. Fundamentally it is a porridge, but it is also so much more.

A vegan breakfast that bursts with healthy ingredients. This makes it not only the basis of a good day, but of a good life. With a large stock of X-OATS you are provided with an optimal start to your day for a considerable period of time.

We are convinced that you will like it and that you will notice a difference in your health. In terms of energy level in the short term and in many more areas in the longer term.

Do you need to take a step in the right direction? Then this is an ideal time to take action. Check out all the different X-OATS flavours here.

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June 20 2022

A complete vegan breakfast with X-Oats

June 20 2022


June 20 2022

How did X-Oats come about?

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