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Privacy policy

For X-OATS (BV), with registered office at Akkerstraat 20, 2990 Wuustwezel and company number 0784.943.695 (hereinafter referred to as “X-OATS”, “we”, “us”, “our”), the protection of your personal data and privacy are very important.

By visiting our website, you share certain personal data with us. You should therefore be able to trust us to handle this data carefully and confidentially.

X-OATS BV always handles personal data with great care and does so completely transparently to all persons involved. Below you can read what data we collect from you, how and for what purpose we do this, what your rights are and how you can exercise them.

Persons to whom this privacy notice applies

This privacy statement describes the processing of personal data of all persons visiting the website of X-OATS BV.


Personal data: A personal data is any information that can be traced back to an identified or identifiable natural person. These are obviously obvious data such as your name, address, gender,… but also things like your job preferences, courses taken and consumption behaviour.

Processing of personal data: A processing is any operation carried out with personal data. This includes the collection, recording, organisation, retention, updating, modification, retrieval, consultation, use, transmission, dissemination, making available, alignment, blocking, erasure and destruction of data.

Legal grounds

The law provides for certain scenarios in which it is permissible for a party to process personal data. We process your data in cases where:

– We need the data to fulfil our obligations to you. These may be the services we offer you or the obligations arising from the employment or cooperation agreement we enter into with you or your employer
– We need the data to comply with legal obligations such as correctly declaring and paying taxes and duties
– We as an organisation have justifiable interests in processing your personal data without compromising your own interests, rights or obligations
– We have obtained your explicit and unambiguous consent to carry out certain processing operations

What personal data do we process

When you visit our website, we process the following personal data about you but anonymise your IP address in the process so that we can never link it back to you:
– IP address (immediately anonymised by replacing the last numbers with zeros)
– Personal details such as your date of birth and gender
– Your approximate geographical location (approximate) at the time you visit our website
– Specifications of your computer or mobile device (type, operating system, browser, language,…)
– How you arrived at our website (through which link)
– Your browsing behaviour on the website (duration of your visit, which pages you view, click behaviour…) We also process certain information by means of cookies. Cookies are pieces of information that are stored on your computer or mobile device and read during your (next) website visit.

We use the following types of cookies:

– Necessary cookies: this type of cookie improves the user experience by storing certain things such as your language preference and login details (if you use the latter) and ensures that the website can function correctly.

– Performance cookies: through these cookies, we collect aggregated data about the use of our website such as the links that are clicked and how long people stay on a particular page. This data allows us to improve our website and optimise the user experience.

– Marketing cookies: these are cookies that collect and share your click and browsing behaviour on our website with our advertising network for the purpose of more targeted advertising.
We regard necessary and performance cookies as essential for our website to function and maintain correctly and cannot refuse your relevant cookies. Before using marketing cookies, we will first explicitly seek your consent. You can withdraw these at any time.

What we use your personal data for

We use your personal data to ensure the correct operation of our website, on the one hand, and to make your browsing experience as pleasant and smooth as possible, on the other.

We also use your (anonymised) personal data to compile statistics and perform analyses on them. This with the aim of detecting certain trends and tendencies in order to optimise our website and better tailor it to our target audience.

For example: If we notice that a particular page on our website is little or not visited, we know that it is difficult for our visitors to find or that visitors have little/no interest in it.

We also use information about your browsing behaviour on our website to optimise our marketing campaigns and target groups in a more targeted way.

Under no circumstances will your data be used for purposes around profiling or automatic decision-making.

Who has access to your personal data

To process the data below, we use the Google Analytics tool:
– Specifications of your computer or mobile device (type, operating system, browser, language,…)
– How you got to our website (through which link)
– Your behaviour on the website (length of your visit, which pages you view,…)

In doing so, appropriate precautions are taken so that neither we nor Google can link this data to you.
To capture your browsing and clicking behaviour, we use the software Hotjar. We share the captured data with Facebook and LinkedIn to show you relevant ads on those pages. We will never do this without your consent and you can refuse such processing at any time.
We never sell the personal data we have collected to third parties or share it with parties outside the European Union.

How long personal data is kept with us

You can disable or delete all installed cookies from your computer or mobile end device at any time via your browser settings (usually under “Help” or “Internet options”). Each type of browser has its own settings for managing cookies. You can find the information on the help page of the browser you are using.
The following data will be deleted after 50 months from your visit:

– Specificaties van je computer of mobiele apparaat (type, besturingssysteem, browser, taal,…)
– How you got to our website (through which link)
– Your behaviour on the website (length of your visit, which pages you view,…)

This data is immediately anonymised upon receipt and therefore cannot be traced directly back to you.

How we protect your personal data

We make every effort to ensure the secure processing of your personal data. To this end, we have implemented various technical and organisational security measures to protect personal data against unauthorised access, unauthorised use, loss and theft.

The main ones are:
– We use software and IT infrastructure from market leaders within the domain that maintain highest security standards and closely follow legal regulations
– Only authorised persons are granted access to your personal data
– All our employees are trained to process personal data according to the rules required by legislation
– We only work with companies that follow legal regulations and are equally committed to the secure processing of personal data

In the event of a data leak that could potentially impact your rights and freedoms, you will be notified in the manner required by law.

What are your rights?

You have the right to:
– Access and request a copy of your personal data
– Have incorrect, incomplete, inappropriate or not up-to-date data corrected
– Object to the processing of your personal data and have it partially or fully restricted, even if you had previously given your consent to it
– To have your data deleted (“right to oblivion”)
– Receive your data in a structured and digitally readable format
In case you wish to exercise any of these rights or file a complaint, you can do so by sending an e-mail with an accompanying copy of your ID card to or by post at the headquarters address.

You also have the right to complain to the local data protection authority:
Data protection authority
Drukpersstraat 35 1000 Brussels Belgium
+32 (0)2 274 48 00

Changes to this privacy statement

This privacy statement was last updated on 2 June 2022.

To be in line with the most up-to-date regulations and advice from the Data Protection Authority, this statement may be updated from time to time.

It is expected then that most changes will be minimal. Should significant changes be made, we will communicate this clearly via our website and (if possible) by e-mail.

Contact us

If you have any further questions after reading this privacy statement, please contact us at the following contact details: X-OATS BV at Akkerstraat 20, 2990 Wuustwezel

Akkerstraat 20
2990 Wuustwezel

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